Dev Log Week #3
So this week's focus was supposed to be on getting some enemies/interactions happening, which I did end up achieving but I took a few detours on the way there!
So this week apart from behind the scenes work, my aim was to get a basic GUI working for player inventory, and also allow interaction with items in it.
First attempt was not great, It was drawing off screen with no background, and big while boxes around the sprites.
I shortly realised I was adding the new GUI to the World space canvas rather than the Screen space one, this got it appearing, but it still wasn't quite right.
This was just a mess up on my behalf, I had the sprite assetnames wrong on the server side, once fixed, success!
Quickly hooked up the onclick to fire off an UseItem request, and items can now be used from within the inventory, or when they are on the ground in the world.
Added rabbits, wolfs, gazers as some more mobile types.
That's it for screenshots, here's a more complete changelog that's paraphrased from what got fixed this week:
Refactored status/health bar's, added Esc to untarget.
Created a very basic Login and Character Create screen, to allow picking your name.
Fixed the Cursor being all garbled in WEBGL builds thanks to Lake.
Added support for play sounds packet from server.
Inventory/Container in general work.
Fixed the spawner exporter.
Fixed up overhead text appearing on top of each other, and showing too many at once.
Inventory Working, with usable Items. can open/close etc.
Containers, Handles Viewers, Contents updates, etc ( this really under sells the work here lol )
Added an EventManager, so we can have scripts that are not a World object hook into well events.
Added the first event "EnterWorld" fires when a player logs in, First use is using it to fire off The Welcome chat message.
Fixed a bug loading the tiles json's from pathing.
Added Play sound packet, and added some sounds to combat
Added Usable Health Potion item
Hooked up loading the exported spawners and got them firing.
Fixed spawner bug where they respawned in seconds instead of minutes.
Added Stat gain system, currewntly can gain STR from combat.
Added stat regen, will slowly regen HP and mana.
Did a bit of a balance pass on stats/ damages for players/enemies.
Fixed ObjectUpdate messages being sent with multiple of the same stat change.
Huge amount of work on the Update loop.
Fixed multiple container crashes related to viewers.
Added new mobiles, rabbits, wolfs, gazers!
And more and more work on Syncing stats correctly.
As with last week, most of the time has been behind the scenes and this is my own doing making this multi player.
I've also bought a lot of complexity on my self not using something simple and un-scalable like unity's built in networking rather than rolling my own stack entirely.
Next weeks log's and progress will be much better though, I think I've mostly ironed out all the basic netcode/ world state / sync bugs so will be able to focus on content/features at a much quicker rate
Status | In development |
Author | JamesKiddx |
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