Dev Post 1

Ah wow, gotta remember there is no auto save for this. Unity ate up almost all 16GB of ram, and the OOM Killer decided Chrome was a good target to kill and good bye dev log.


Dev Log Week 1-

From the start I knew I wanted to go a bit more ambitious than the concept I wrote up ( which was awfully rushed, as the last few weeks have not been great time wise ), So to begin with I got a very basic World created using a tilemap with Assets from the wonderful Just a blocked off area with colliders and a few trees, something to run around in.

Next up I bought in a basic character sprite and got some basic movement and camera control working, I decided to bound all movement to whole numbers to keep a traditional tile based game feel. 

Next up for some reason I implemented a Minimap cause that seemed a fun thing to do.

Once I had the basics above working I figured it was time to go crazy, So I started work on MMO'ifying things.

First up was getting a basic websocket connection working to allow the client to speak to a server when embedded on itch, or ran standalone, I decided to use on the client and server as it sounded great, recent commits, stars, looked active.

After sorting that out, I first worked on basic auth and character create/select, No UI for this yet how ever.

Then I got the server handling a "world" and tracking mobiles/items, and sending updates to players in range when any tracked property on a mobile in range changes, or something new moves into range. This is all very basic at the moment of course and glosses over all technical details which would make for a boring post I spose.

Thursday night came and I was just getting the client sending Movement requests correctly and figuring I was going to make fridays deadline, when I started to run into random disconnects and crashes deep in the websocket library code.

I start to read the Issues on the websocket-sharp library and notice their isnt many responses from the author, then I discover the commit history is like 6 years of changing the line endings in 1-2 files, its all fake activity.

So i disabled all the networking, and got a build up just in time for Fridays Testing!.

Testing was great and revealed some issues like these black lines, that Xavier pointed me in the direction of solving <3


Testing also helped me track down Diagonal movement being double speed, and my movement giving a sickening juddery feel to the camera.

After further testing it came time to try a webgl build of my MMO master piece, first up was Cant do a Websocket connection from a HTTPS site, it must be a WSS connection, so i needed to get a domain and a cert for my server, then Needed to update the code to do secure web sockets.

Then I ran into the fun of an AOT environment like webgl which means no reflection, which means issues deserializing anything with generics or even something basic, so my Dictionary<string,object> wouldn't deserialize on webgl.

Few more hours and we have.....

Players, running and frolicking in a a meadow, with an AI'less ghost to boot!

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